
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How we executed Willie Kimani's murder – Peter Ngugi

I have heard instances of conspiracy but last Monday was different for me after witnessing the production of a chilling confession statement of the 5th accused person in a case where Four Administration Police (AP) officers, Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjiku, Leonard Maina and police informer Peter Ngugi are charged with the murder of human right lawyer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri.

The prosecutions on Monday presented a 38th witness a police officer Inspector Geoffrey Kinyua attached to DCI headquarters who recorded a 21-page confession statement by the 5th accused persons and a police informer Peter Ngugi’s produced it as evidence in the case.

Mr. Kinyua took the court through a detailed account on the murder of lawyer Willie Kimani by reading the statement to the court which demonstrated how the murder of the three was planned and executed.

According to the statement Peter Ngugi was approached by a police officer Fredrick Leliman to assist him in execution of the murder with only Ksh 4000, drinks and a supper. Ngugi revealed how they killed Kimani and two other victims before their bodies were dumped in the Ol Donyo Sabuk River.

Download the confession below